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  • patricia90741

How Creative Thinking Preferences and Ideation tools help build teams

Updated: Jul 23, 2020

Rejig has worked with Community Development Health Network (CDHN) on a number of projects including the gathering and visualisation of extensive insights on the Self Care Pharmacy Project . Two of the CDHN team took part in a series of workshop we held early in 2020 with Community Pharmacists, GPs, and representatives from the Community and Voluntary Sector, Department of Health and Health and Social Care Board. We introduced participants to our innovation process and to the Foursight creative thinking preferences profiling tool. The staff members who had participated reported back to their CEO, Joanne Morgan, how insightful they had found the Foursight profile was and how it had helped to create effective teams for the rest of the Self Care Pharmacy workshops.

In February Joanne was planning a team day in advance of strategic planning and we agreed to run a Foursight profiling workshop for her whole team and then introduce the team to ideation exercises that would help them to look at problems and challenges differently ( proved to be excellent preparation for what the organisation was soon going to face !) Joanne wanted something that would energise the team, help them to understand each other and their roles and help them to prepare for strategic planning for the coming year.

In the morning, after introducing the team to our innovation process, I split the group into small teams and ran a prototyping exercise designed by Foursight. CDHN is a really cohesive team with strong communication and the tool gave them a unique insight into each other, why people approach tasks the way they do, why some people only read a little bit of the instructions and then get on with doing what needs done, and why others generate loads of ideas and then really need support from the team to make these great ideas happen.

In the afternoon I reorganised the teams in to multi thinking preference teams and, using a challenge that was critically important to the organisation, I introduced three different idea generation tools. The teams had time to experiment with these tools and reflect on those that worked best for them. This really did help stimulate new ways of thinking for the team around long standing issues.

Simple tools made real magic with this team who were so open to new ways of thinking. A day well spent.

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